Massage For Maintenance – Injury Prevention, Protection & Treatment
In the minds of many massage can occupy either ends of a spectrum. At the one end it’s associated with luxury & pampering – a holistic treatment to be enjoyed on holiday or for a special occasion. At the other end it’s a clinical procedure, which may bring relief but is seen as a quick & sometimes painful process.
If you don’t have the time to keep flexible with exercise such as Yoga & Pilates then perhaps it’s time to consider a Massage Treatment

Lower back pain can often result from under active Core & Gluteus muscles, & also long hours of sitting during activities such as driving & desk work
I believe that a good treatment can be both holistic – incredibly relaxing & enjoyable, whilst also a highly effective clinical treatment which can release the muscular tension, knots & fascial restrictions.
Muscular stiffness & inflammation can happen during physical exertion or as part of the more modern sedentary lifestyle, causing the muscles to tighten, seize up & thus become more prone to muscle strains. Seated jobs such as driving or desk-based roles carry the risk that, without maintaining muscle suppleness, ordinary activities can easily result in pulled muscles & muscular pain. During exercise or sports it’s easy enough to get carried away & not pay attention during fast movements. Proper stretching is crucial but few take the time to do so – each stretch should last at least two full minutes to be effective. Many are unaware that massage can be a highly efficient method of general, pre & post-sports & exercise stretching.
Massage as a means of maintaining good physical health – let me do the stretching for you!
Maintenance Massage – For Injury Prevention & Treatment
This is where Maintenance Massage can come in – many of my clients see me regularly as a preventative to injury. If you regularly participate in sports & exercise or don’t have the time to prepare, stretch or improve flexibility through exercise such as Yoga or Pilates then you can come to me for a Maintenance Massage. Part of my job as a therapist is to do some of the mobilisation & stretching for my clients. I can also reach areas & stretch muscles in ways that they can’t themselves. I believe in working slowly & carefully – a relaxed client equals relaxed muscles, which means I can work the deep tissues more effectively. Alternatively if you are already injured then massage is proven to shorten recovery time by releasing pain, decreasing tension & inflammation, increasing toxin drainage, lymphatic & blood flow – increasing mobility & range of movement.
Stay Fit For Longer
Massage is used by many medical professionals as a small part of their wider treatment, but many prefer to receive direct treatment from a professional therapist who specialises in massage & muscular release. Regular treatment, even if it is only every few months, is an excellent way to maintain good muscle health & ensure that you can live your everyday life or practice your favourite forms of exercise in the longer-term. Best of all, it is an incredibly relaxing & comfortable form of treatment as good for the the mind & emotional state as for the body – please see some of my client testimonials.
‘Thanks for my amazing massage, it really set me up for my recovery. The warming of the blend & my comfort in your hands meant you being able to dig deep into my shoulders – they have felt amazing since!’ (U. A)

I employ Deep Tissue massage techniques like Ischaemic Compression to release muscular adhesions – ‘knots’
Nature To Nurture – Sian O’Flynn
I am a fully-qualified & insured Holistic, Clinical Massage & Aromatherapist (member of IFPA, LCICI) working privately (Hemel Hempstead) & have previously worked at Physiotherapy & Osteopathy Clinics (Woodside, Emma James Physio) where I saw clients as both private & NHS referrals. As a result I have treated a wide range of physical, mental & emotional conditions from cancer support to sciatica, anxiety to frozen shoulder (adhesive capsilitis), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to general Relaxation. I use many techniques & massage types including Swedish, Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular, Trigger Point Therapy, Myofascial Release & McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release & treat all manner of people from gardeners & office workers to triathletes & fitness instructors. Whatever you are looking for I am always happy to discuss your personal treatment needs each time.
Consider trying a Maintenance Massage – evenings or weekend treatment slots are available