Thyme linalool (Thymus vulgaris ct. linalool)
To Courageously Fumigate!
As a damp & mild Autumn starts to give way to wild & windy Winter storms I am increasingly seeing clients full of the latest cough, cold or virus. There are many excellent antimicrobial & antiviral oils out there but I am often asked if there is gentle & safe oil for all (children, elderly & pregnancy for example) that is also effective against infections. The obvious answer to me is the oil that means both ‘to fumigate’ & ‘courage’ – Thyme linalool.
Origins & Historical Usage
As its etymology suggests Thyme has been prized & long-known as a herb that can ward off infection & disease. It has been used for embalming by the ancient Egyptians, burned as a purifying incense in their temples by the Greeks, used to disinfect rooms by the Romans & placed under pillows to protect against nightmares & worn in posies to ward off disease throughout the Middle Ages. In the Crimean War & as late as World War I Thyme essential oil was used as a battlefield disinfectant. Its links with strength & courage were also in the Roman world – their soldiers bathed in it before battle, Crusaders wove sprigs of Thyme into their scarves before setting off, whilst in the Medieval period women often gave Thyme leaves to knights & warriors to bring them courage.
The Essential Oil
Thyme linalool (Thymus vulgaris ct. linalool) essential oil is obtained by both steam & water distillation of flowers, plant tops & leaves. It is a mobile clear or pale yellow liquid with sweet, green-fresh, herbal scent with spicy undertones. There are over three hundred & fifty varieties of Thyme, of which Common Thyme or Thymus vulgaris is just one. Seven chemotypes of Thymus vulgaris exist but some can be very powerful & strong with safety cautions. To also confuse matters there are two different types of essential oil made by the industry. Red Thyme oil is unrectified oil, whilst the white version has been rectified. As there are no safety cautions on Thyme linalool it is gentle & safe whilst still strongly medicinal – so it is especially good for children, elderly & pregnant.

There are 2 distillation types, over 350 varieties & 7 chemotypes of Thyme so it is important to make sure you choose the right essential oil for your needs
Thyme linalool (Thymus vulgaris ct. linalool) is a completely safe essential oil for external use.
As per the paragraph above please check the label carefully to ensure you use this particular essential oil & not anther variety.
Blending should always be carried out with regards to safety cautions for each oil, to an appropriate percentage & preferably by a qualified aromatherapist – please feel free to contact me for any advice or to order a blend.
Method of Application: Massage Carrier oil (2.5% blend), Cream or lotion (5% topical blend)
– Thyme & Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
– Thyme, Juniperberry & Bay Laurel
Chest infections, Chesty Cough ‘Hacking’
Method of Application: Chest rub/balm (5% topical blend), diffuser, inhalation
– Thyme & Lavandin (Lavandula x intermedia)
Thyme linalool essential oil is distilled from the leaves & flowering tops of the plant
Coughs & Colds
Method of Application: Bath, Diffuser, Inhalation
Thyme, Ravensara & Bergamot
Thyme, Lavender stoechas & Eucalyptus globulus (adults), Eucalytpus radiata (children, pregnancy or elderly) or Eucalyptus staigeriana (before bed)
Poor/weak/nervous Digestion
Method of Application: Massage Carrier oil (2.5% blend)
Thyme, Ginger & Sweet Orange
Thyme, Geranium & Rosemary officinalis
Gum Infections/Mouth Ulcers
Method of Application: Mouthwash, 1-2 drops in a tumbler of water
Thyme, Bergamot & Tea Tree
Thyme, Ravensara & Myrrh
Insomnia ‘too tired to sleep’
Method of Application: Diffuser, a few drops on tissue by pillow
Thyme & Sandalwood or with Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
Muscular aches & pain, Muscular Weakness & Rhuematism
Method of Application: Bath, Massage Carrier oil (2.5% blend, 5% topical blend)
Thyme, Jasmine & Rosemary
Thyme, Chamomile Roman (Anthemis nobilis) if aching or Chamomile Blue/German (Matricaria recutita) if inflamed & Rosemary officinalis
Method of Application: Massage Carrier oil (2.5% blend)
Thyme, Bay Laurel & Juniperberry
Prophylactic/Preventing Colds
Method of Application: Bath, Diffuser, Inhalation
Thyme, Ravensara & Bergamot
Safety Cautions:
- Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) – not above 1.25% (6 drops/25mls). Avoid hypersensitive/damaged skin, pregnancy, children & fever
- Jasmine (Jasminum officiale) – uterine tonic – in pregnancy use in third trimester only to prepare the body for birth. Strong aroma can occasionally trigger headaches or become overwhelming for some individuals
- Lavender Stoechas (Lavender stoechas) – not above 0.5% (2 drops/25 mls). Avoid pregnancy, epilepsy, children & fever
- Myrrh (Commiphora myrrh) – uterine tonic – in pregnancy use in third trimester only to prepare the body for birth
- Rosemary (Rosemary officialis) – avoid pregnancy, epilepsy, children & fever
- Antiseptic
- Antispasmodic
- Antiviral
- Bactericidal
- Carminative – settles digestion by preventing & reducing gas
- Cicitrisant – skin healing, softening effect on scar tissue
- Expectorant
- Fungicidal
- Hypotensive – lowering blood pressure
- Immune tonic – strengthening immune system, stimulates WBC
- Nervine – Nerve/neurotonic
Prime Uses
Having its origins in temperate Europe, Asia and North Africa, Thyme linalool is usually naturally found at a low altitude & close to the coastline & Mediterranean sea
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Exhaustion, ME: any kind of fatigue or exhaustion
- Convalescence: particularly if post-viral
- Coughs: especially chesty or ‘hacking’
- Digestion: IBS, nervous, poor, weak
- Grounding: difficulty focusing, poor concentration, ‘spaced out’
- Infections: Bronchitis, colds, gum, Influenza, mouth ulcers, urinary/Leucorrhoea, sore throats
- Insomnia: poor quality sleep, poor quantity of sleep, nightmares
- Muscular & Joint Conditions: Osteoarthritis, lack of tone, muscle weakness, Rheumatism, sports injuries
An essential oil which can kill the Thyphus bacteria in 2 minutes yet which is gentle & safe enough to be used by the sensitive, young, old & pregnant. Medicinal in nature, Thyme linalool essential oil still smells clean, fresh & deliciously herbal, try it for less than £10
Contact Me for any further information on aromatherapy, essential oils, facial rejuvenation, holistic, pregnancy & clinical massage
Recommended Suppliers
Neal’s Yard Remedies (organic), £14.40 for 10mls
Penny Price Aromatherapy, £9.85 for 10mls
Kobashi Aromatherapy (organic), £7.53 for 10mls
Base Formula, £3.00 for 10mls