Further Abdominal & Full Body Pregnancy Massage
I have just attended an inspiring further course on Pregnancy massage and the power of touch to help relax, calm and comfort expectant mothers. I feel privileged as I just love to learn – Aromatherapy and massage can be of enormous benefit to both mother and baby, used as separate treatments or combined to peaceful and calming effect.
Studies have shown that women who receive regular massages have fewer complications during their pregnancy and labour and that their babies are more settled and content, suffering fewer baby ailments. Although pregnancy can be a wonderful time, it is also the time of greatest change within the mother’s body as the baby develops. In particular this can put strain and pressure on the joints, ligaments and organs which may cause aches, pain and discomfort which massage can help to alleviate.
Pregnancy massage can help to improve:
- Muscle tension
- Muscle spasm & cramping
- Sciatic Pain
- Swelling Oedema
- Back, neck and shoulder discomfort caused by hormonal and postural changes
- Quality of Sleep
- Reduce headaches
- Relieve heartburn
- Balance mood-swings and support depression
In addition research also shows that the baby can greatly benefit from massage as endorphins (feel good chemicals) are released by the mother during massage that are passed onto the baby. Quite often the therapist will feel the baby kick and move as it too responds to the massage treatment (taken from the Gateway Massage Course handout, 2014).
Aromatherapy oils can also help immensely in all areas of pregnancy:
- morning sickness
- stretch marks
- stress/anxiety/tension pre-birth and especially during labour itself to make the process much easier
- in the third trimester to help prepare the body for birth
- post pregnancy with issues like sleep (for both you and the baby!)
- support for post-natal depression
During the course I worked in particular on the abdomen as well as the rest of the body – arms/hands, legs/feet, whole back/shoulder, face and scalp so I can focus on any of these areas or give a full body treatment if you would prefer. Please just contact me with any queries or to book in.