The End of an Era & the Dawn of a New One – Opportunities Beckon
I write with news both sad & happy: that as of October I will no longer be working at Neal’s Yard Remedies Therapy Rooms in St. Albans – sad because I will really miss working at a lovely location with such wonderful clients & staff, but happy because it’s for the best of all reasons – the success of my business. More exciting times & new opportunities for me as a massage therapist!
In the past six months I am extremely happy to report that my work at Woodside Clinic & especially my private business has really taken off, becoming very well-established. In comparison NYR has been quite quiet for me, so I have decided to focus more on Nature To Nurture & my private work.
Neal’s Yard Remedies
Having qualified on the NYR Aromatherapy & Essential Oil two-year diploma course it seemed only natural that my career as a massage therapist should begin in their Therapy Rooms in St. Albans. Nervous but excited I started in Graduate Clinic in November 2013, a bare month after I had qualified, before moving onto the main clinic in November 2014. I feel extremely privileged to have received my initial training & experience with Neal’s Yard Remedies & I can highly recommend them for any newly-qualified practitioner. As such I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the staff there for their support, advice & encouragement over the past two years.
Nature To Nurture – New Weekend Availability
I will be working out my notice period & my last day will be on Saturday 26th September. So from October onwards I will work privately from home in Hemel Hempstead on Saturdays & will be able to offer my Nature To Nurture clients weekdays, full weekends & evenings, with the exception of Tuesday & Thursdays when I am at Woodside Clinic in Dunstable & Leighton Buzzard. I currently offer a wide range of treatments including clinical techniques such as deep tissue, trigger point & neuromuscular therapy; also relaxing swedish, soft tissue & holistic massage techniques, Indian Head & Pregnancy massage – all with or without Aromatherapy. I am also excited to now offer a new treatment – Facial Rejuvenation massage, which has proved incredibly popular & which I will be launching shortly. See my treatments pages at the top & bottom of my website for full details.
So many thanks & farewell for now to Neal’s Yard Remedies Therapy Rooms. Although as a friend & professional practitioner I will still be visiting often to keep up with all the friends I have made there – & also to stock up with the excellent aromatherapy essential oils & beautiful natural products.
Welcome to more work with Nature To Nurture!