Recipes: Thyme, Lemon & Honey Syrup

sian Blog

Delicious & Soothing – Thyme, Lemon & Honey Syrup

This is a very soothing blend for sore throats, moistening for the airways & so helpful with coughs but also with excellent antiviral & antimicrobial properties from the Thyme & Lemon – as well as being absolutely delicious!

Thyme-Nature To Nurture Aromatherapy & Massage in Hemel & St Albans

Thyme (Thymus CT Linalool)

  • handful of fresh Thyme sprigs
  • 1 pint of water
  • ½ pint honey (raw is best, but runny is ok)
  • ½ lemon chopped into slices
  1. Place lemon slices in a pint jar & cover with honey – it will macerate the lemons & draw out liquids
  2. Place the Thyme leaves into a saucepan & cover them with the water.
  3. Bring to a gentle simmer & reduce it to half, about a cup or ½ pint.
  4. Cool, strain off the leaves, add it into the pint jar & stir well.
  5. Shake occasionally & use a spoonful as needed.
  6. Store in the refrigerator & it will keep for about a month.