ACMT Therapist – What Does This Mean?
ACMT – it means that I am now a Jing Method™ Advanced Clinical Massage Therapist, qualified to level 5, recognised by the NHS and allied health professionals as the equivalent to foundation degree level and able to work throughout lockdowns – the same as physiotherapists, osteopaths and chiropractors.
I am able to treat a range of chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions including low back pain, neck pain, headaches, migraines, whiplash, RSI fibromyalgia and many other ongoing injury or pain conditions. There are very few conditions I can’t offer help and support with – for a full conditions list please see here: Treatable Conditions
As an advanced clinical massage therapist I am trained in a range of safe and effective soft tissue and massage techniques that aim to reduce your pain and increase your movement within 1-6 clinical treatments. I also have the additional qualification of a level 4 Sports Massage Therapist, able to treat and rehabilitate sports injuries and work at sporting events.

As A Level 5 Advanced Clinical Massage Therapist I Am Qualified To Work Through All Phases Of The Covid Pandemic As A Healthcare Professional
ACMT Techniques
Existing Techniques
The techniques include many I’m already qualified in but to a much deeper level:
- hot and cold therapy
- acupressure
- fascial work
- trigger point therapy
New Techniques
I’m also trained in additional methods to help make the treatments more effective, permanent and longer lasting, such as:
- range of motion assessment
- special orthopaedic testing
- rehabilitation
- stretching – passive, active isolated and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation/PNF
- tailored self-care and a bespoke plan that fits in with your home life and time
All of You: Mental, Emotional and Social Health as well as Physical
One reason I chose this training was that, although clinical, it is holistic. Based on the Biopsychosocial model (biological, psychological and social model) it takes into account all of you.
I still use a warm and heart centred approach that takes full account of all your physical and emotional needs and am committed to working alongside you in a therapeutic partnership to get the results you need.
Don’t just take my word for it – see what my clients have been saying about it!
Testimonials – How Can This Help Me?
Client Testimonial
I have been having massages with Sian for a couple of years now and was interested when she mentioned her new course as a way of reducing my back and hip pain. Now I have completed the six weeks I am pain free, feel much more confident with movement and have a self care document to assist me when/if I get any twinges.
I was a bit sceptical at the start, but decided I had nothing to lose and am so glad I made the decision. As always, Sian was extremely professional, spent a lot of time both on the treatment and the self care exercises at the end to ensure I knew what I was doing. She was very thorough and we soon discovered my ‘back problem’ actually was more a ‘hip problem’ which enabled her to work on the right area, leaving me to learn how to move freely and without any pain.
I would certainly recommend her to anyone in pain.
Lorraine Ellis (back and hip pain)
My client Lorraine’s testimonial speaks perfectly to how I can help you. With a full treatment course working together and an effective and sustainable home self-care plan Lorraine has gone from being in daily pain, deceased mobility and having fear of certain movements causing a re-injury to walking 14 miles in one day!
Lorraine is not alone – a number of clients in chronic pain and limited mobility opted to become case studies and have given the most amazing feedback.
Client Testimonial
I’ve been feeling stronger and more energised, but the most amazing thing is no pain after just 3 weeks. I’ve been able to do daily housework without having to sit down and rest. Then the other night I found myself sitting cross-legged – I haven’t been able to do that in years!
Elizabeth Leahy (fibromyalgia, low back and hip pain)
Client Testimonial
Amazing, absolutely amazing. My whole back feels like it has fallen into place & to be able to lie comfortably & move my neck feels SO good. I can’t believe how good I feel – I’m going to be smiling all the way home!
Blanka Molnár (chronic headaches)
Client Testimonial
I’d soldiered on for 9 months through Covid with a back that kept giving way and caused a lot of pain to walk….After the 6 weeks I truly felt healed, my expectations were exceeded, I’m nearly 8 weeks post treatment, my back feels healthy and strong, I’m still pain free in my back and can go back to my usual activities.
Sian really is a unique practitioner, she absolutely cares for her clients, she goes above and beyond to help and tailors the treatment to you. She always made me feel welcome, cared for and nurtured.
I can’t see me ever choosing to see another practitioner.
Ashleigh Stevens (low back pain)
Referral Bonus Scheme

Everyone likes a treat for a referral!
If you or anyone you know has aches, pain, mobility issues, injuries or conditions – anything from headaches and herniated discs to sprained ankles and unhappy knees, please do contact me to ask questions or give my details for a Referral Bonus!
If the client booking mentions your name you will receive:
- a FREE half hour treatment of your choice to book as a stand alone treatment (worth £40) or add to a current treatment
- if adding to a treatment the initial price will still need to be paid – so £40 for 30 mins if you book 60 mins total, or £60 for an hour if you book 90 mins total
For more information on what ACMT is and how it can help you – please click ACMT – Advanced Clinical Massage Therapy